It's not quite Lego Skyrim, but these hills and valleys are filled with nooks and secrets, valuable bricks hidden behind waterfalls and deep inside yawning caves, the land seasoned with eager minifigs waiting to send you off on fetch quests. Lego Lord of the Rings presents the most dramatic overhaul yet, retaining the 18-stage structure, but granting players the run of Middle Earth in between these climactic chapters. The basics of the recipe remain consistent – each cinematic plotline split into 18 sequential stages the characters divided into "types", each with their own set of exclusive abilities which must be called upon to overcome obstacles the post-completion secret hunting – but the structure is ever-changing. But the developer could hardly be accused of creative laziness within the parameters it has set for itself. While these releases may fail to encapsulate the physical toy's primary appeal then, their formula has been apocalyptically successful, as evidenced by the value of the various IPs Travellers' Tales that has been called upon to work alongside. Piece by piece we reveal the predestined finished article, meticulously prepared for us by the game's designers.
If Minecraft is the true freeform construction game, offering players a world of blocks to heave into a world of shapes, the orthodox Lego games have us closely following an instruction manual. There is no capacity for personalisation a player may only affect the rate at which they move towards the conclusion. You squeeze a button and the loose collection of bricks at your character's feet assembles itself in a magical micro-hurricane into a bridge or a ladder or whatever object is needed to facilitate minifigure Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker or Indiana Jones's pre-laid story. Traveller's Tales' games, by contrast, are entirely prescribed. Therein lies its simple wonder and universal appeal. From a relatively small palette of interconnecting bricks – which click together with all the reassurance of a lipstick lid - one can fashion everything from a lopsided hot-rod to a lumpy dog to the Taj Mahal. The physical toy is a creative material that allows us to build from the imagination in near limitless ways. T he Lego games, which seek to rebuild colossi of contemporary family cinema franchises in miniature bricks, have rather less to do with the plastic stuff from which they take their name than appearances suggest.